Supported platforms and languages

The Tobii Pro SDK is developed to be used on multiple platforms. However, it is only guaranteed to work on certain versions of the platforms and some languages (bindings) are for different reasons not available across all platforms.

Supported platforms

Below is listed the versions of different operating systems we guarantee the current SDK version will work with. It will most likely work with other versions as well, but these are the only versions on which we can guarantee that it will work due to extensive testing being performed by us before release.

Windows 64 bit Linux 64 bit macOS x86_64 & ARM64
Supported versions 10 and 11 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS * 13 and 14
* Requires that avahi-daemon is installed and running.

Supported languages

The languages listed below are supported by the given platforms on the condition the versions of the platforms corresponds to the table above.

.NET Standard 2.0 Python 3.10 Matlab C Unity 2018.1
Windows Yes Yes Yes* Yes No
macOS No Yes** Yes*,** Yes** No
Linux No Yes No Yes No

.Net Standard 2.0 support .Net Framework 4.6.1 and later, .Net Core 2.0 and later, .Net5.

* The binding may work across all versions of Matlab available at the time of the latest SDK release however, the binding is tested only on R2023b for macOS and Windows.

** For Apple Silicon Mac (a.k.a. ARM64 architecture Mac) users: SDK version 2.1 includes native ARM64 support. However, SDK versions prior to 2.1 only support the x86_64 (Intel) computer architecture used by older Macs. If you wish to use an older SDK version, you must install Apple's Rosetta 2 software which enables an x86_64 "compatibility mode", and:

  • (Python) Install an x86_64-only installation of Python (with tools such as Brew or pyenv) which you then use to run all scripts making use of tobii_research.
  • (MATLAB) Follow instructions from MathWorks on how to run MATLAB with Rosetta.
  • (C) Explicitly instruct the compiler to use Rosetta for compiling your program for the x86_64 architecture, by prepending compilation commands with arch -x86_64, e.g. arch -x86_64 clang++ my_program.c